HH Herning
Herning Folk High School was designed by Tyge Arnfred and Viggo Møller-Jensen and founded in 1961.
In 2007, the operation of the folk high school ceased, and in 2017 the folk high school was bought by
Johannes Jensen and Helle Maus Jensen's Foundation and protected in 2018.
HH Herning is undergoing a thorough and gentle restoration
and the theater hall is again ready to receive the audience.
The stairs and corridors are again covered with sisal runners.
The runners are from Fraster's runner collection with a large selection
in sisal runners, woven in fixed widths so that edging is simply necessary
over the ends. The design chosen is Schaft 1005.
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Aftenposten, Oslo, sisal tæpper

Niels Bugges kro, sisalløber