Everywhere in the offices of SuperOffice in Oslo you meet
a lovely incidence of light and beautiful warm colours.
The interior's beautiful color scheme in green, blue and gray is
repeated in the employees' personal storage bags.
Each and every In-Mente bag has been personalized with a colorful
closing strap with a cut-out number so no two bags are alike.
On employees' home working days or during meetings that
take place outside Super Office's office, the In-Mente bags
are lined up on shelves or in window niches and the the beautiful
felt colors contribute to the nice atmosphere in the office.
MixMax folding screens, covered with wool felt in the same colors as the In-Mente bags,
divides the large office spaces into smaller and cozier units
The screens at Super Office are 220 cm wide when fully unfolded.
The screens are easily closed together, locked with a felt band
and placed where there is a need for peace and protection.
In the meeting room, where there are neither MixMax screens nor In-Mente bags
a CoverSingle suspended with magnets on the glass door
adds a fresh touch of color. The cut-out design in the cover is design Splash.
Forhandler: Fablab Design
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