top2, gråt cover i filt.jpg
top1, blåt cover i filt.jpg



Of course, there must be designs with zeros and ones
at a company that creates exceptional software.
At the IT company Systematic you find
Felt covers for shielding between workplaces.
Covers in the colors cloud, azure, silver and charcoal create
tranquility to more private work areas in the open-space offices,
where many employees share the working space.
The design for the cut-outs in the felt cover has been developed
especially for Systematic and stands simple and sharp in it
5 mm thick wool felt.

Dealer: Paustian
Architect: Artspot

Covers i filt, gråt og blåt cover på kontor
Covers i filt, grå filt bagved kontorplads
Covers i filt, to covers i blåt ophængt på kontor
Covers i filt, azur og grå filt ophængt fra loftet på kontor
Covers i filt, blå filt med udskæring af nul og ettaller
Covers i filt, to rækker covers omkring mødebord
Covers i filt, tre covers ophængt foran vindue
Covers i filt, detalje fra gråt filtcover
Covers i filt, blåt cover bagved pc skærm
Covers i filt, 3 filtcovers ophæng foran arbejdsplads på kontor
Covers i filt, grå, blå og grå filt med udskæringer

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Spydeberg cityhall



Hillerød jobcenter