
U Nord, Hillerød


At U Nord in Hillerød, a great many young people
are getting 
their education. The young people study, read
and cultivate friendships and social relationships are created.
A common room in the core between a number of classrooms
is furnished with wool felt with all the above functions in mind.
A corner of the room is decorated under the theme "The bog"
for relaxation and fellowship with a felt rug on the floor,
felt-covered tubes, which function as relaxation furniture,
and felt decoration on the wall.
Furniture made by the school's own production students
has been covered with wool felt. and forms smaller
spaces for group work. A large bare wall in the room is
covered with wool felt with cut-out birds in flight, and
works at the same time as sound dampening.

Architect: Melanie Ann Bech-Pedersen

Filtudsmykning på væg og møbler, tema mose 5
Filtudsmykning på væg og møbler, tema mose 4
Filtudsmykning på væg og møbler, tema mose 6
filtudsmykning, guldsmede udskåret i filt
filtudsmykning, guldsmede udskåret i filt.
Møbler på skole beklædt med uldfilt
Cover med udskæring af fugle.
Cover med udskæring af fugle

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The court rooms in Holbæk

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