HØSD school in Hørning
HØSD is a new 4-track school (grades 0-3) and daycare center with kindergarten and nursery
of approx. 7,200 m2 with associated outdoor areas for playing, learning and living
located on a scenic plot in the southern part of Hørning City.
The Tyst screens have been integrated into the classrooms and are being
put into use when the student needs an undisturbed and quiet workplace.
When the need for individual concentration is not relevant,
the Tyst screens are folded and used as sitting cushions
in the stairwell, where there is a joint teaching activity.
The Tyst screen at HØSD school is covered with wool felt
in color 175 charcoal, and has a practical handle in leather,
so the screen is easily transported, even by small people.
Dealer: Uniqa A/S
Find more inspiration

Frederiksbjerg school


The House

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