
C. la Cour school

When you enter the large auditorium, which functions as a common room
and lounge for the school's children and adults,
you immediately see where the favorite places are
- because that's where the wool felt cushions are.
The cushions are moved around the room,
depending on the day's activities.
If you want to cozy up with a friend in a bright window niche,
you can grab a warm felt cushion before sitting down,
and if there are many joint activities, the cushions
are placed on the large staircase, which serves as seating.
The warm and inviting interior is enhanced by the choice
of felt colors in the yellow, orange and red scale.

Forhandler: Randers kontor centrum.
Arkitekt: C. F. Møller

Filt hynder på C. la Cour skole
gul og orange filt hynde i vinduesniche på C. la Cour skole
Filt hynder på trappe bænke, C. la Cour skole
Filt hynder i vinduesniche på C. la Cour skole
Filt hynder i samtaleboks, C. la Cour skole
Filt sæde, Vico Duo
Filt sæde på Vico Duo stol

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