Kaas hovedgård


The former stable building at Kaas Hovedgård
is now furnished with a number of rooms and a large open
kitchen family room, which can accommodate many guests.
The large kitchen family room with the very large
ceiling height challenged acoustics and noise level when
many people stayed in the room.
The solution for improving the acoustics has become
TwisterPlus mounted with 50 mm distance to
the sloping ceiling.
The plates are covered with 5 mm colored wool felt
150 off white. 17.64 m2 TwisterPlus has been used
in absorption class C.
See the test results and a sound sample from the room below.


TwisterPlus nedhængt fra loft -2
TwisterPlus nedhængt fra loft -4
TwisterPlus nedhængt fra loft -1
TwisterPlus nedhængt fra loft -3
TwisterPlus nedhængt fra loft -5
Plus med ophæng.jpg

Test result before and after mounting TwisterPlus (in danish)

Soundtake before mounting TwisterPlus

Soundtake after mounting TwisterPlus

Find more inspiration

Mazda, Norway

Odense University

The court rooms in Holbæk

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