Willis & Twister

Willis in Hellerup chose to mount Twister acoustic panels on the walls in the reception to reduce noise problems from the many phone calls and people passing.

The Twister modules are made with a specieal design including the logo from Willis.
The Twister panels are made with the colours 150 off white and 282 navy.
The panels are mounted on a specially made frame with 100 mm
distance to the wall to improve the acoustic absorption.
The full panel is made from 9 panels sized 105 x 105 cm.

The felt carpet surrounding the front desk is specially made
to match the shape of the desk.

In all corridors felt in colour anthrazite 300 is used to muffle the noise from hard heels.
Small felt carpets are used as stepping stones.

fraster, filt, Plus, felt, uldfilt, akustik, udsmykning, indretning, design, akustik panel, lyddæmpning, twister, akustik panel, filtfarver, dekoration
fraster, filt, Plus, felt, uldfilt, akustik, udsmykning, indretning, design, akustik panel, lyddæmpning, twister, akustik panel, filtfarver, dekoration
fraster, filt, Plus, felt, uldfilt, akustik, udsmykning, indretning, design, akustik panel, lyddæmpning, twister, akustik panel, filtfarver, dekoration
fraster, filt, Plus, felt, uldfilt, akustik, udsmykning, indretning, design, akustik panel, lyddæmpning, twister, akustik panel, filtfarver, dekoration
fraster, filt, Plus, felt, uldfilt, akustik, udsmykning, indretning, design, akustik panel, lyddæmpning, twister, akustik panel, filtfarver, dekoration
fraster, filt, Plus, felt, uldfilt, akustik, udsmykning, indretning, design, akustik panel, lyddæmpning, twister, akustik panel, filtfarver, dekoration
fraster, filt, Plus, felt, uldfilt, akustik, udsmykning, indretning, design, akustik panel, lyddæmpning, twister, akustik panel, filtfarver, dekoration

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