vævet sisal løber i kirke
vævet sisal løber i kirke
vævet sisal løber i kirke

Sisal runner like sand and honey

In 1941, Christianskirken (the Christian Church) in Lyngby was inaugurated, furnished with Wegner’s classical basketwork chairs without cushions.
In 2017, the church’s textile interior has been renewed with advice from Maja Lisa Engelhardt.
The colours for the textiles have been chosen based on the impression of being surrounded by nature, an impression that emerged in Maja due to the large windows and the brick walls.
The carpet runner in sisal has been chosen with a rough texture of different golden and brown nuances, providing associations to nature, sand, and honey.
Wegner’s church chairs are still in the church; now equipped with cushions in nature-inspired colours.
The carpet runner in sisal is made of a Schaft quality, colour 1027

vævet sisal løber i kirke
vævet sisal løber i kirke
vævet sisal løber i kirke

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