Espelunden kindergarden


Lovely colors and soft material, that's the characteristic of woolen felt.
Cozy cubes have been built in the nursery Espelunden, and the children can play, rest and tumble in the cubes.

Some of the cubes are firmly integrated into the wall, others are removable, and can be used right where the children prefer to play.
The cubes are all lined with the most beautiful green and blue colors i woolen felt.
The felt has been delivered to the carpenter Ultima K with a double adhesive tape in the excact measures to filt the cubes.
This secures an easy and precisely mounting of the felt.

blå filt opklæbet i træbokse i børnehave
blå filt opklæbet i træbokse i børnehave
blå filt opklæbet i træbokse i børnehave
blå filt opklæbet i træbokse i børnehave
blå filt opklæbet i træbokse i børnehave
blå filt opklæbet i træbokse i børnehave
blå filt opklæbet i træbokse i børnehave

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